Hi there! Welcome to my portfolio. If you have made it this far, I truly hope this means you are interested in working with me! For now, I will tell you a little bit more about myself.
My name is Jade Newell, and I currently reside in Baton Rouge, LA, where I was born and raised. I work as a full-time Graphic Designer and a part-time freelancer/business owner of Shades of Jade Designs
I graduated with my Bachelor of Fine Arts in May of 2019 from the Univerisity of Louisiana at Lafayette. I majored in Visual Arts with a concentration in Graphic Design. As an undergrad, I learned much about art, from sculpture to printmaking. However, my love for everything creative stems from my childhood. My parents would tell me how I would sit for hours with my paper and crayons, endlessly drawing out of the "Funnies Comics" from the newspaper. 
Since being out of school and working full-time, I have truly learned the importance of art and design. Art is universal, and its purpose is great. Even icons don't necessarily need words to be interpreted. Because of this, I always leave room to learn new ways to help others, regardless of language and abilities, to understand what they are looking at. 
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